Thursday, April 11, 2013

Psychic Timing and When To Move On, Part 3

Good morning, everyone!  It's a beautiful day here in Ga, all green plants,  pink flowers, and yellow pollen.  Yes, I said yellow pollen, big time.  Get ready to park in the garage or hose down your car.
  Today I am posting a few more ideas about psychic timing.  I do believe that if you are able to listen to your inner self and psychic signs, you will be told when to make your move.  Often there are several psychic signs that will point you in the right direction.  You may get confirmation that it is time to move on  from several sources.  As an example, let's say you are trying to decide to literally move, from one house to another.  It is a big change; you must sell your current residence, and find a new place.  There is alot of work involved in this change, and you are not sure you want to give up your current house.  You have lived here many years and it is comfortable, it is home.  However, you have outgrown your current home for whatever reason, and need something new.  So you do a meditation first, and see a symbol of a new home, and you walking  in the door.  This is certainly a psychic sign that it is time to move on.  Still, your current house has a sentimental hold on you, and you want to be sure of your decision.  Maybe it is time for a reading, either by yourself, or by a trusted advisor.  The results of the reading seems clear: time to move on.  Then, on the very same day, a neighbor casually remarks that her sister would like to buy a home in your subdivision, but none are for sale.  Wham, you have just gotten three, very clear signs that it is time to move on!  Two  were psychic signs, and the third was from your neighbor.  The third sign could be telling you that if you put your house on the market now, you might make a quick sale.  Never discount signs from the real world, they may actually be psychic confirmations that will tell you when to move on.   I believe angels and spirit guides often walk in our world, to give us words of help and inspiration.  It may be hard to see you neighbor as an angel or guide, but perhaps she was playing that role for you when you most needed it.
  If you are having a hard time making a serious decision, it is important to ask several sources for advice and confirmation.  One psychic reading might be vague or not conclusive.  If you do or get three readings and they all say it's time to move on, you probably need to pack your bags!  As an example, let's say you are trying to decide whether to go back to school and further your education.  It has been some time since you were in school, and on top of that you work a full time job.  Your job, your husband or wife, and your small child take up all your time.  It would be hard to go back to school now, but it would move your career ahead dramatically if you got a higher degree.  So you do a meditation, but don't get any real results.  Two days later, right out of the blue sky, you see a newspaper or magazine ad for the very courses you want to take.  The classes begin in a month or so, and you have to make your decision.  Now is the time to get out the tarot cards, the pendulum, the runes, or any other predictive devices you may own.  If you don't do any readings for yourself, maybe it is time to call that trusted psychic.  It is always good to try several different types of predictive tools if you have a serious question.  If your tarot card reading says go back to school, the pendulum says yes, and the runes say make a new beginning, it it time to go!  By using several predictive tools, you get more of a confirmation that you are making the right decision.  Trust in your higher self and your psychic guidance and you will not go wrong.
  Until next time, blessings from Psykiksister.

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