Monday, May 20, 2013

Astrology: Spice It Up!

Hello everybody!  I hope you all had a good weekend and are enjoying the sunshine today.  After a weekend with rain, storms, and floods here in GA, I am glad to see the sun smiling at us finally.
  Today, I am posting about astrology, with some emphasis on love and sex.  I have been interested in astrology since my early teens, and have studied it ever since.  Although I am not an astrologer, I have a solid basis in the subject, and have taught a number of classes on the subject.  I learned astrology long before charts were done by computer.  In those days, every things was done by hand, with lots of mathematical calculations involved.  Now astrology charts are almost always done on the computer, which makes it much easier.  These charts are often quite good, but I think they lack a personal touch.  The computer can calculate the chart, analyze the information, and print it for you.  It can even do it for free!  What the computer can not do however, is add intuition and feeling.  This is where a good astrologer takes over, and puts the icing on the cake.
 So many people are looking for a love match, and astrology can give you a good start on that.  In some countries, India for example, astrologers are often consulted when it is time for marriage or even when a child is born.  Then as potential mates are proposed by the families, their astrology charts can be compared.  This custom may seem strange to some of us but it has been followed for centuries.  Surely it works as well as meeting a stranger in a bar after a few drinks!
  Astrology charts of couples are compared both for similarities, and differences.  In general, many similarities is desirable, but not always.  Think about it: if both people are stubborn, very emotional,  and have trouble communicating in a relationship, there are going to be problems!  These two people may be too much alike.  On the other hand, if there aren't many similarities at all in an astrology chart, this could also be a problem.  As an example, let's say Jane and Joe are considering marriage.  Jane is an very controlled Scorpio, who is a workaholic, and rarely shows her deeply emotional side.  Joe is a light-hearted Gemini, loves to play, and often changes jobs.  He doesn't take life too seriously.  Their astrology chart shows very few similarities, but many difference.  Now this combination could work two ways.  First,  Jane gets upset with Joe because when she wants to work, he wants to play.  Joe thinks Jane is cold-hearted because she doesn't show her feelings very often.  He starts thinking she doesn't really love him, and that is the beginning of the end.  If this couple has married, it probably would not last long.
  The other side of this combination might be that this couple is spiritually evolved  or mature enough to make this work.  Happy-go-lucky Joe might lighten up the more serious Jane.  If she feels secure in her relationship, she might be more open with her emotions and give Joe the love he is looking for.  This relationship might take more work, but could be worth the effort put into it.
I'm sure we all know couples who are very different, but have life-long marriages.  Any relationship requires work and commitment over the years,
but when there are too many or too few similarities in an astrology chart, it just makes things more difficult.
  I will continue discussing love and sex in astrology on my next post.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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