Friday, May 31, 2013

Demonic Possession: Real Or Fake, Part 2

Hello everybody!  It's another hot day here in GA.  I hope you are all ready for a beautiful weekend and have great plans. 
  Today I am posting again about demonic possession.  Yesterday I mentioned that I have met a few demonologists or "demon experts" over the years.  Now I will tell you about the only person I have ever met that I truly believe was possessed.  I've met a number of people who acted like they had a demon inside, but only one that probably did.  This happened some years ago when I taught a psychic development class on a regular basis.  Now I only teach them sporadically.  At that time, we would occasionally invite a speaker to come to class to do a lecture.  I had a recommendation for a man who was quite eager to do a lecture for free.  After speaking to this person on the phone, I was unsure of his qualifications, because he sounded extremely vague.  However, since he had been recommended to me by someone I knew well, I invited him to our next class.  When he arrived, my doubts about him quickly multiplied.  He had the appearance of a normal, middle-aged man, but still could not give me a real idea what he planned to teach.  I  did not suspect he was possessed, just a little off the wall.  To put it bluntly, his speech was a little rambling and odd.  It wasn't until he started to do his lecture that I began to suspect he was possessed.  He very much started to spout metaphysical nonsense and his whole demeanor changed. This man quickly went from a seemingly mild, slightly unusual person to showing the real demon inside.  The big tip-off that he was possessed was in his eyes.  I can only describe this as he was no longer there.  His eyes were flat, and evil.  I was sure we were no longer seeing the man, but the demon.  This is the only time this man was ever allowed to visit our class, though he offered to come again.  I felt that it was best to cut off all contact.
  In my many years of working with the public, I have met thousands of people.  Out of all those people, I have only met that one man who I am sure was possessed.  Maybe that will give you some idea how rare a real possession is.  A true demonic possession can occur in some of the same ways as a spirit possession.  It can happen when the human spirit is weakened, by an illness, grief, or even an emotional or mental instability.  As I stated previously, these things can leave our spirits vulnerable to attack.
   There are other ways that demonic possession can occur, even if the victim involved is not experiencing a weakness. The first and strongest reason is that the person has "invited" them in some way.  This does not mean that the victim has wanted to be possessed, only that through some misguided actions, they have opened themselves to the possibility.  As an example, let's say Bobby, who is an inquisitive fifteen year old, has started to delve into the occult.  Now, I don't have any problems with that because I did the same when I was fourteen!  Bobby though,  has an attraction to the darker side and wants to contact a demon.  This is really a fun and exciting adventure for him.  He finds a spell on the internet and late one night, invokes a demon.  Unfortunately for Bobby, he has neglected to learn how to properly protect himself under the circumstances. Instead of being able to control the demon, he finds himself being controlled.
  Does that story sound like fantasy to you?  It was only an example but it can happen.  My strongest suggestion to anyone just learning about the occult and metaphysical world is not to conjure up demons!  I can't imagine any reason other than evil to invoke a demon, and if you don't know what you are doing, I doubt it will end well.
   You might also find yourself attacked by a demon while on a paranormal investigation.  Sometimes a house or location may seem to be haunted by a spirit, but in fact it is a demon of some kind.  It can be hard to determine if a presence in a haunted house is simply a negative spirit or a demon.  Both spirits and demons can and often will lie about who and what they are.  They may start by giving you some small indication that they are a little girl who is trapped on the earth.  The next thing you know, you may see or sense a very dark presence that has nothing to do with a sad, lost child.  That is when it is time to leave, people!  It is also why I suggest never going on a paranormal investigation without wearing  or carrying a protective amulet, symbol, charm, stone, etc.  You  never know who or what you are going to meet!
  My next post will continue with demonic possession.  We will discuss what a demonic possession is really like, and what to do if you think you are being attacked.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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