Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spiritual Homes: Where Is Yours? Part 2

Hello everybody!  Are you enjoying the sunshine today?  It's warming up here in GA so I had to put on my shorts this afternoon.  Now that I'm all comfy, let's talk some more about spiritual homes.
  The second type of spiritual home exists only in our imagination.  This is a particularly important type of spiritual home because we can go there whenever we like.  We can visualize this home at any time and make it whatever we desire.  This type of spiritual home can be very important if we are doing meditations,  rituals,  and magickal work.  I will discuss some of  the uses of this type of home later. 
  Your imaginary spiritual home can be any place and any type of home you like.  It can look exactly like a place you have visited, or be completely the opposite.  The imaginary spiritual home is a place that you can go to any time for peace and solace.  It is a home that you will visit when you need to step away from the world.  This spiritual home can be a mountain cabin, a wooded glade,  even a castle along the Rhine.  Your imagination is your only limit in selecting this home.  If you feel most comfortable and serene in a small beach house, looking out over the ocean, then this is the place for you.  In reality, you may never live in such a home, or even visit it, but your imagination can take you there at any time.
  Are you wondering why you need an imaginary spiritual home?  You may have a perfectly good, solid, home where you actually reside.  An imaginary spiritual home gives you a focus  point when you need to let go of the world for a little while.  This might be when you are very stressed and need to truly relax.  It may also be beneficial  when you want to make contact with
your spirit guides and other higher beings.  As an example, let's say you are going to do a meditation.  During this meditation, you wish to contact your spirit guide or even an angel.  You are seeking spiritual knowledge to help you in your real life.  You try to relax into your meditation but thoughts about the every day world keep creeping into your mind.  Now is the time to go to your imaginary spiritual home.  This place will help you focus, relax, and open your mind to a higher level.  In this case, your imaginary spiritual home is a small house built near the edge of a cliff in Ireland.  You can open the windows there and feel the sea breeze.  The waves wash against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.  The sound of the ocean is very relaxing to you.  You feel safe and protected in this imaginary home.  Soon you are able to fully relax and open your mind to contact from a higher source.  Your higher power or angel speaks to you and gives you the guidance your are seeking.
  It would be good to select and envision your spiritual home before trying to use it in a meditation or ritual.  You have to buy or build a home before you live in it, right?  In this case, your imaginary home doesn't cost money, but just a little thought and work on your part.  Put some serious thought into exactly where and what your home will be.  You don't want some vague idea of the home, you want it fully envisioned in your mind.  The clearer you can see this imaginary home, the easier it will be to use as a focus point later.  First, choose your imaginary home.  It can be a dream home, such as a big, fancy mansion you hope to obtain in the real world later.  You can choose a cabin, a cave, or someplace with no building at all.  Maybe your imaginary spiritual home is much simpler, such as a clearing in the woods, or a misty mountain top.  Choose a place that feels safe, welcoming, and like home to you.  It is your place, pick it well. Once you have selected your home, it is time to furnish it.  Don't worry, you don't have to rush off to the mall to shop for this!  Remember, you want your imaginary home to be as detailed as possible.  So now see the rooms in your spiritual home, and decorate them as you desire.  This does not have to be elaborate, just envision placing chairs, a bed, or whatever you like in your home.  If you have selected only an outdoor area, such as the beach, with no building on it, you don't have to worry about this part.  If you wish, simply envision a comfortable chair on your beach, or a blanket to sit on.  This is your imaginary spiritual home. Make it as you wish it to be.
  On my next post, I will give you some more ideas about using your imaginary spiritual home.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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