Thursday, May 30, 2013

Demonic Possession: Real or Fake?

Good afternoon, everybody!  It's another hot day here in GA.  After an unusually cool, rainy spring, summer has finally arrived.  Can you believe it's almost June?  Get out the swimsuits and flip-flops, and head for the beach!
  Today I am posting about demonic possession, and if it is real or fake. Most of us probably think about "The Exorcist" movie when demonic possession is mentioned.  There have been several versions of this movie which was supposedly based on a true story.  I have no reason to doubt this, I'm only using the word, "supposedly", because I do not know for sure.  If the story is true, I am certain Hollywood added a great number of effects for shock value.  I find it hard to believe someone's head can spin around completely and survive it!
  A real demonic possession is similar to a spirit attachment that we discussed in my last several blogs.  The human spirit is attacked deliberately by a demonic spirit.  In this case, the demon does not only wish to drain energy from the human spirit, but it wants to completely encompass the spirit.  It wishes to take over the spirit and use it for its own purpose.  This is a much more severe attachment than the ones we discussed previously.  Think about it this way: a spirit attachment is like a vampire draining your spiritual blood.  Spirits desire our energy.  A demonic possession however, is like a vampire that desires your entire being!  The demon wishes to take your body over, and "push" your spirit aside.
  Let's discuss demons before we move ahead.  Simply, demons are evil beings, that often enter our world.  They exist in a different etheric plane and are often described as being from hell.  There are reports and stories about demons from very early in history.  The traditional view is that Satan, a fallen angel, is the "head demon" or leader, and demons are his minions.  They are said to do his work.  Whatever your religious or spiritual view of demons, one thing is certain: they are evil.
  Demonic possession has also been reported from early in history.  We have to question how many of these reports and stories were real, and how many of them were simply about mentally disturbed individuals.  In fact, that is still a big question regarding demonic possessions today.  Is the supposedly possessed person really possessed by a demon or do they just believe they are possessed?  Are they displaying signs of a mental or emotional illness, or have they truly been attacked by evil?  There is no easy answer on this one; it is a question for experts.
  I do believe in the possibility of demonic possession.  I think it is really a rare thing, but does happen.  Fortunately I have not felt called to work with cases of possession.  This has to be very difficult and unhappy work.  During my many years working in the psychic field, I have met  several people who did work involving demonic possessions.  None of these people were Catholic priests, by the way.  The Catholic church is certainly a long established authority on possession and exorcism.  I have great respect for any knowledgeable demonologists who are  sincere about their work.  Like other metaphysical work though, there are many scam artists in this field.  They may claim to be able to perform an effective exorcism, or remove the demon in some other way.  Of course, they don't do this for free!  Other "demon experts" do this work because of their interest in the field, or for their own glory.  Hey, if you become well-known as a powerful exorcist, it might lead you anywhere!  The problem here is that if someone is truly possessed,  a well-meaning but ineffective "expert" might make the situation worse. They may also put themselves in danger at the same time.
  My next post will continue our discussion on demonic possession.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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