Thursday, July 11, 2013

Spiritual Rituals Of All Kinds, Part 2

Hello everybody!  It's another cloudy day here in GA, with rain coming in. Oh well, we have had two days this week with some sunshine so I won't complain.  If this rain continues though, we might all consider getting together and building an ark!
  Today I am continuing my blog about spiritual rituals.  This segment will be about what I call the "ice age".  The ice age is a time in our life when nothing is moving or happening.  During the ice age we feel stuck, unable to move ahead.  There can be much frustration in our lives during the ice age.  Despite our best efforts, we can not make progress, or take any meaningful steps.  The ice age can occur in our romantic life, or job,  our health, or even in our spiritual self.  The worst ice age happens when we experience it in all those areas at the same time!
  You may be wondering why you would want to do a ritual or celebration if you are stuck in the ice age.  The answer is that you would not want to celebrate at such a time, but you might want to do a ritual.  Celebrations are usually for happy times in our lives, but rituals can be for any time.  They can serve a purpose during good times and bad.  During an ice age in your life, you might want to do a ritual to change the situation.  This type of ritual would be a  announcement to the universe that you are ready for change.  You are ready to change your situation and move past it. 
  Before you are ready for an ice age ritual however, you may need to look at why you are stuck in some area of your life.  An ice age in your life often occurs simply because of timing.  You may want a new mate, but perhaps it is not time for that yet.  Yes, a new job would be great, but if you get more experience with your current job, maybe you can get a better position later.
You must look at your life honestly here.  Many times we are stuck in an ice age because we are afraid of changing our life. We long for change, for the new, but we fear it as well.  There may be opportunities for change, but we are not willing to accept the "side effects" that go with those opportunities.
  As an example, let's say you are looking for a new mate or lover.  No matter how you have tried, no one seems interesting, or available.  It fact, it has been over a year since your last relationship.  Now, it could be that it is not time in your life yet for a new love.  Real new loves do not come along every day.  You have to be honest with yourself about this situation.  Are you secretly afraid of accepting a new person in your life?  After all, that last relationship nearly broke your heart, right?  Have you placed yourself in some kind of ice age out of fear?  You may be afraid of some "negative side effects" of accepting someone new in your life.  You may even be afraid that a new partner could be worst than the last one!
  If you can honestly look at your life and say that you are ready for change, it is a good time to try a ritual.  It does not matter what area of your life is stuck or experiencing the ice age.  This ritual calls for change in your life.
The purpose of this ritual is to break up the ice and move ahead.
  This ritual is not geared to any specific religious or spiritual belief.  Anyone can try it.  As with any ritual, the more focus and energy you put in it, the better results you will get.  You can light candles and incense during the ritual if you like.  Sit quietly at a table or desk during a time when you will not be disturbed.  Place a paper cup or plastic bowl in front of you that holds a small amount of ice.  Crushed or cubed ice, it doesn't matter. You might want a paper plate or towel underneath the bowl. Also have a hammer, small food mallet, or other study tool on the table.  Now begin focusing on the problem in your life.  Think specifically about the ice age you are experiencing.  Now focus on how you are ready for change and what results you desire.  If you are seeking a new relationship,  think about that now.  Envision the results you desire very clearly in your mind.  When you are ready, take your hammer or mallet and crush the ice.  You do not have to go overboard with this.  You are symbolically breaking the ice in your life.  You may say these words if you like, "I call out for change.  I am ready to end the ice age in my life".   It is always good to end a ritual with a short prayer and thank you to whatever higher power you believe in.  You are finished with your ritual now.  You have declared to the universe that you are ready for change.
  Be ready to accept new opportunities as they come into your life now.  Change can be scary, but if we are afraid to step forward, we can be stuck it the ice age forever.  Until next time, blessings from Psykiksister.

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