Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Spiritual Visualizations

Good afternoon, everybody!  It is a very hot, sunny day in GA.  Yes, I said sunny!  We have had two sunny  days in a row after much rain.  Please, Mother Nature, let's keep Ole Sol rolling along.
  Today I am posting about spiritual visualizations to help with problems in your life.  We all have difficult times, and times when we can not see one step in front of us.  There may be two paths to choose from or no visible path in sight.  At such times it can help to visualize your problems and a solution.  We can send out positive energy to the universe and clearly state our desires. By taking a new look at our situation, we can often rectify it and achieve what we wish. 
  Never doubt the power  of positive thinking.  Sending out negative energy does nothing but attract more negative energy.  Thoughts and words have power, so we must guard our thoughts and what we say.  A careless and negative expression may come back and slap you in the face when you least expect it.  We can not always stay in a positive frame of mind, but we don't have to languish  in negativity either.  Sometimes, particularly for women, a good cry will wash away the pain and worry we are feeling.  We express our emotions, and then can look for solutions to our problems.  It is only when we continue to put out negative energy that we create more problems for ourselves.
  Of course there are times in every life when we are unhappy or grieving for months or years.  We may feel that we will never be happy  again. It is  at such a time that a spiritual visualization may help.  Even on the darkest nights, there is light somewhere.  It is up to us to attract that light into our lives again.  A simple visualization may lighten your mood and allow some hope back into your life. 
  I will not give you a set visualization today, with specific words to say.  Everyone has different problems they are dealing with, so today's visualization will be a "one size fits all".  You can make this visualization be whatever you need it to be.
  Choose a quiet time and place for your visualization.  You do not want to be disturbed.  Light candles and incense if you like.  Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths.  Let your body and mind relax.  There is no hurry or pressure now, only a time for you to relax.  When you are calm and peaceful,  start thinking about your situation.  In your mind, visualize whatever is causing you unhappiness.  Try not to tense up; allow the stress  to flow out of your body.  See your unhappiness and stress flow down from the top of your head to your toes.  Now let the stress leave your body.  Let it flow right from the tips of your toes like a dark river.  When you feel empty, when you feel lighter, go ahead with your visualization.
  Now envision each of your problems in front of you as boulders on a road.  Make the worst problems the largest boulders and smaller problems like little rocks.  There may only be one problem you are facing.  If so, in your mind, place a large boulder directly in your path.  If you  have much unhappiness, you may not even be able to see the road past the boulders.  This is okay, you will see the road soon.
  Put a name, a face, a description of your problems on the boulders if you like.  If someone is your problem, clearly visually their face on a boulder.
So now you are facing your problems, they are right in front of you.  It is time to rectify the situation and move past the problems.  Please believe you can do this, even if the problems in your life are huge.  You may do one of two things now, whichever you choose.  First, take a deep breath.  Now, either visualize yourself climbing completely over the boulders, or going around them.  If you are the kind of person who confronts problems headlong, visualize yourself climbing confidently over the boulders to the clear path beyond. If you prefer dealing with problems indirectly, see yourself easily going around the boulders.  Know you can do this, and put all your focus into it.  There is a clear path ahead of you, and you will get there.
  I hope you feel a sense of relief after your visualization.  Do the visualization whenever you like or need it.  You will find the boulders easier to get past or over each time.  You will put out more positive energy and subsequently attract more positive energy as well.  Give it a try and I think you will find this visualization a help in your life.
  Until next time, blessings from Psykiksister.                            

1 comment:

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