Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Psychic Self Protection, Part 3

Good morning, everyone!  Grey skies today here in Ga.  I know some people love the rain, but not me.  Hey, I'm a Leo, we are children of the sun!
  Today I have a few ideas for you in dealing with just plain irritating people and situations.  Now we are not talking about people who mean you harm, or are trying to send you negative energy deliberately.  I will post about that subject next time. This post is about people who are flat out irritating you by talking incessantly, boring you  to death, or driving you up the wall.
  If you are a wonderfully patient and saintly person who can listen to the most deadly bore and keep on smiling, this post is not for you. I applaud your patience, but I don't think I'm much like you.  I try to be patient and understanding, realizing that sometimes everyone really needs to talk.  Some people are just more verbose than others.  Still, what about those times at the office when another employee  interupts your work by telling you every boring detail of their life?  You need to get back to that project that is due at the end of the day, not hear about your co-worker's newest life drama.  This is a time when you can try one or two psychic things to help the situation.  The first thing I would do is a simple technique that doesn't need any practice whatsoever.  All you have to do is cross your arms and legs!  That's right, just cross your arms over your body, and cross your ankles or legs.  This closes your psychic energy output and makes you  less "available" to the other person.  This may suddenly make them feel uncomfortable, like they are talking to a wall.  Your energy isn't available to them any more.  You don't feel open and welcoming to all their talk.  More aware people could feel this lack of energy right away and have a sudden desire to stop talking and leave.  Other less aware people may gradually slow down in their conversation, feel uncomfortable and then leave.  Either way, it's good for you!
  A similiar version of crossing your arms and legs, involves strongly crossing your hands, grabbing each wrist with the other hand.  Squeeze your wrists firmly with your hands, closing off your energy, and cutting off their talk.  This one works best for truly block-headed interlopers who just don't get the message.  Practice that one before hand, and envision your hands as they grasp your wrists as suddenly cutting off their flow of chatter.  No, please do not envision yourself doing anything bad to them, just cutting off their talk!  One of the strongest rules in the metaphysical world is that it is always okay to protect yourself, but it is not okay to harm others.  Keep that in mind in your mundane and magickal work and you will never go wrong. The best thing about either one of these ideas is that you can use them anytime and anywhere without anyone knowing what you are doing.
  Another kind of situation you might encounter in your everyday life could occur at a party, bar, or get-together.  Let's say someone you are not the least attracted to has latched on to you, and you are just too polite to walk away.  First,  although I am a very polite person, I think it can be a big mistake to be "too polite".  Sometimes by being afraid of hurting another persons' feelings, we put ourselves into awkward situations. Here is where another psychic self protection idea can work for you.  This is a psychic energy technique, similar to forming your energy shield.  In this case, you will send the other person some harmless but effective energy to leave you alone. 
  Practice this one at home as it may take a little time before you get the hang of it.  Take a couple of deep breaths and clear your mind.  Remember, clarity and focus brings good results in metaphysical work.  Now envision a dark ball of energy in your mind.  Let it grow and expand.  You can make the energy ball black, grey, brown, etc.  When you feel you have put enough energy into the ball, gently, yes I said gently, waft it over into the other person's head.  Just think about it going directly into their third eye, right in the middle of their forehead.  You do not want to "throw" the energy ball at them, as the purpose of this exercise is not to harm them, but make them leave.  So please be gentle with the energy ball!  The other person might feel this right away and suddenly see you as someone he or she doesn't want to be around.  It may take them a few minutes, so continue envisioning your energy ball. 
  In either of these situations you could always put up your own energy shield before trying other techniques.  If you put up a strong enough energy shield of your own, you probably won't need anything else.
  Until next time, blessings from Psykiksister.

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