Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Psychic Timing and When to Move On

Good morning everybody!  It's a glorious day here in Ga, but getting hot.  I would really like to live in a temperate place, like where it is 60-75 degrees all year long.  If you know a place like that, please post and tell me.  I will definately be moving on!
  Today I am posting about psychic timing and how to know when it is time to move on.  Maybe you are wondering in your life if it is time to move on, from a relationship, a residence, a job, perhaps even your entire lifestyle.  Changes are always difficult, and it can often be hard to tell when we should make those changes.  Sometimes we agonize for months, even years, in trying to make a decision for change.  If this is the case for you right now, maybe you need to learn a little about psychic timing.
  Psychic timing and time in the spiritual world are often quite different from time in the real world.  As an example, during a reading, you may be told by the psychic or advisor that you may end an relationship during the next few months.  Please don't ever take this timing to be the gospel truth.  There are so many variables here, first the experience and skill of the reader.  Then we have to consider why the reader felt the relationship would end "in the next few months". Was she told this information from her spirit guide or yours?  Or from another spiritual being, such as an angel or a relative who has passed on? If so, you really have to be lenient about the time.  Time in the spiritual world is very different from our time.  What might be three months to us could be a year or more in the spiritual world.  In some cases,  three months in the spiritual world could even be three days!
We just can't expect spiritual time to be the same in another existence as it is in our world.
  So if spiritual time isn't the same as our time, how can we ever decide when to make a change?  My best advice is to listen to spiritual messages you personally receive.  I honestly believe that for  most major changes we have to make in our lives, there is or could be, a warning or signs in advance. We must take the time to look at our lives honestly, listen to psychic information we are given, and take heed of our dreams. These things can be very hard to do, even painful. For example, at work you keep hearing whispers and seeing subtle signs that a number of people are going to be laid off. Then you have a very psychic and/or vivid dream that you are looking for a new job, but you ignore it.  One day very soon you are called into the office and politely sent on your way. If you had listened to your dream, and those whispers at the office, you could have been looking for a job well before you were laid off.  Hoping to continue in your position is good, but listening to spiritual signs can be more helpful.
  What about those times in our lives when sudden disasters strike and we must make changes quickly, or even worse, Fate makes them for us?  This is true of almost all lives, and part of the big picture.  Think about this: if we knew all the bad things that were going to happen in our lives, would we really want to continue?  We have to face disaster as it happens, and this is how we build our strength.  Even with the worst sudden disasters though, we often receive warnings first, if we are meant to receive them.  Let us say that during a reading you are doing for yourself, you get a strong feeling that there will be a death of someone close to you, even though no one in your family is sick.  Please don't panic, but maybe it is a warning that it is time to contact your family and check in with them.  We often receive these messages in advance of disasters so we can  at least be ready in small ways.  Nothing can ever really prepare us for a loss of someone close, but if we listen to signs we are given, they can help more than you can imagine.
  In my next post I will give you some ideas about ways to tell when it is time to move on.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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