Monday, April 22, 2013

Spirit Guides: What Are They?

Hello everyone!  It is just after lunch on this warm, sunny day in GA.  I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are starting your week in a positive way.
  Today I am posting about spirit guides.  Many of you have heard of spirit guides, and I'm sure that some of you have contacted them.  Even those people who have never heard of spirit guides may have had their help in their lives.  You do not have to know your spirit guides for them to be active in your life.  I believe that we  have spirit guides from the time we are born until the end of our life.  I'm sure we have some form of spirit guide in the after life as well, but today we are only discussing this lifetime.
  Spirit guides have many purposes in our life, but guidance and "care taking" are two main things they do.  The guidance seems pretty clear: they are around us to keep our feet on the right path, or steer us in some positive direction.  The "care taking" may be even more important.  They often have a role in literally keeping us safe, such as pushing us out of the way of a speeding car.  If you have ever felt a hand suddenly pull you away from some dangerous situation, only to see no one near you afterwards, this might have been your spirit guide at work. 
  Spirit guides and angels often serve some of the same roles on this earth.  Spirit guides often have an "assignment" to look after us, or may choose to do so for some reason of their own.  I think angels take on these same roles for time to time, but often have a higher purpose.  Angels may be watching over groups of people,  instead of just an individual.  Like spirit guides, angels can step into our lives when we need them most.  An angel may have been the one who yanked you out of the way of that speeding car.  We can pray to angels, or call them into our lives, but our spirit guides are with us always.
  Some spirit guides have a direct connection to us in this lifetime.  As an example, let us say your beloved Great Aunt Matilda has recently passed away.  Not long after, you notice a warm, reassuring feeling around you that reminds you of her.  Now this could be her ghost paying you a visit.  It also could be that for her own reasons, she has chosen to become one of your spirit guides.  Perhaps she gave you a great deal of guidance in your lifetime and has now chosen to continue that role in the after life.  She is not a ghost, nor  trapped in some continuing  existence between lives.  You will probably not see some vaporous form like a ghost when and if she contacts you.  She is clearly in the spirit world, but has chosen to guide and assist you.  This may continue as long as you live, or may only be for a limited time. 
  Other spirit guides  will have no direct connection to us in this lifetime.  They are spirits who have chosen to guide and protect humans, or received this "assignment" in the afterlife.  This is not some kind of punishment; I think it is some kind of reward!  A spirit guide is a very highly evolved soul.  They may appear to us in many forms, both human and sometimes animal.  They can appear as alive as you and I.  As an example,  let's say it is payday.  You have worked all week, just got paid, and cashed your check.  Financially you are struggling, and this money must last all week.  It is all you have.  However, without realizing it, you have dropped your wallet in a very busy store.  Suddenly you hear a voice  say very clearly, "Hey stop,  you've lost your billfold!"  You grab your wallet and disaster is averted.  You thank the little old lady who helped you, but don't realize she is your spirit guide taking on human form.  She  looks like everyone else. In reality she is your spirit guide performing her  care taking work.
  I think the difference in spirit guides and angels is that spirit guides have had human lives.  They have lived on this earth at some time, recently, or many, many years ago.  I believe angels are higher beings, who do not reincarnate or live human lives.  They have very high spiritual purposes. 
  Spirit guides can take many forms and shapes as is necessary.  You may never see them in human form, but they are always there.  You may have several spirit guides during your lifetime, serving different purposes.  As a child, your spirit guide may spend more time protecting you from physical danger.  Maybe he or she was the reason you didn't fall headlong down that old well you were checking out when your were seven!  You may not know
your spirit guide is there, but their protection and guidance is always around you. 
  As an adult, you may have a different spirit guide, or more than one guide.  The role of this guide may be to lead you in the right direction in life.  If you have ever been stuck in some moral dilemna and then heard  a voice clearly giving you advice, this may have been your spirit guide.  As an example, let's say you have been married for many years.  You love your spouse, but things have become a little too routine in your lives together.  That hot guy or girl at work keeps coming on strong and you are very tempted.  Just as you are about to give into temptation, you hear a voice in your head saying, "Think twice!"   So you turn around and go home.  This may have been your spirit guide giving you some strong advice, and keeping you on a positive path.  Advice from a spirit guide may seem like our concious speaking.  We've all heard we should listen to that "little voice" when we are considering doing wrong, but it could be that little voice is your spirit guide talking!
  On my next post, I will give you some ideas about identifying and contacting your guides.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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