Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Psychic Timing and When To Move On, Part 2

Good morning people! It's another warm, sunny day in Ga, and I hope you are enjoying the same nice weather.  It's also pollen season here, so it's the sneezy time of the year. 
  Have you decided it is time to move on in some part of your life?  Or are you unsure and questioning the whole thing?  It may be a  time when you are so confused about your decision that it is almost impossible to hear your own inner guidance.  If so, my first suggestion is to calm yourself and try a short meditation. You must clear the mind of confusion before you can see a clear path ahead of you.  You don't have to do a "formal" meditation, while sitting in a lotus position, for hours on end.  All you may need to do is take several deep breaths, sit back, and close your eyes.  Do this at a time when you are alone, or at least in a quiet place. The idea is not to force a decision, but to allow  a decision to come to you.  This is a time when your spirit guides, angels, or maybe your higher self will speak to you.  It is a time when you may be given specific information  that could help you make your decision. As an example, let's say you are trying to decide whether you should leave a serious relationship in your life.  You have invested some time in this relationship and have strong feelings for your loved one.  However, you also have strong suspicions your partner is cheating on you, and is definately not acting in a loving way.  You feel that you are walking some kind of tight rope every day and are afraid you could fall off at any time.  This is an agonizing feeling, and the decision to leave is not one you can make lightly.
  Now, during your meditation is the time to ask your spirit guides, angels, or higher power to speak to you.  Let all thoughts of the everyway world, all stress and difficulties drift away.  Do not focus on your problem, but rather ask your question to the universe.  You might say or just think, "Is it in my highest and best interest that I leave my relationship at this time?"  You may receive an answer right away, such as a voice speaking in your mind, or even outside your head.  Don't worry, this isn't anything wierd!  Again, it could be your guides or angels speaking to you.  You might see a small or even a complete vision, such as you heading alone down a solitary road. Alternately, the vision might be the opposite, like you and your loved one, hand in hand at the altar.  I think the meanings of those visions are pretty clear.  The first vision certainly says it's time for you to move on.  The second vision is probably telling you to wait, and take a second look.  There could be more and better to come in this relationship.
  You may see nothing more than colors, or hear one word or two during your meditation.  If you see a green color for instance, it may be telling you to go, leave. Certainly a red light could be saying, stop, wait.  Please never doubt any image, sound, or message that you receive during your meditation.  It may very well seem unclear at the time.  Write the message or image down and think about it for a few days.  It may suddenly hit you what it means, and it could be important.
  What if you absolutely get no  message or sign during your meditation?  You could be blocking your message, by doubting what you do see.  Maybe something unusual did come into your mind during the meditation but you didn't think it was anything important, or psychic.  As an example, the image of a sexy girl walking beside your lover crossed your mind.  You discounted the image because you thought it was just your imagination and jealousy flairing up.  That might be true, or you could have received a strong psychic vision of the person he was actually sneaking around seeing!
   If you truly received no psychic guidance, it may not be time for that, or to make a decision.  I used to have a framed print that said, "Not to decide is to decide".  Keep it in mind!
  My next post will be about other ways to determine when it is time to move on.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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