Thursday, April 4, 2013

Psychic Self Protection, Part 4

Hello everybody! It's a rainy day here in GA and I'm not liking it.  Bring back the sunshine please!
  Today I am posting about using psychic self protection if you feel you are being psychically attacked.  I get asked about this all the time, from many different types of people.  First, let me say there really are times when you can be psychically attacked.  However, a real psychic attack might not be quite as common as you think.  Psychic attacks can come in several ways.  There is an attack when someone just sends you "negative energy".  This usually comes from someone who doesn't know much about the psychic world, but is thinking very bad thoughts about you.  Maybe they have some kind of grudge against you, or simply don't like you.  They don't have the knowledge or ability to really psychically attack you, but thinking bad thoughts about you can be enough.  In this case, you may just suddenly feel uncomfortable, unhappy, or depressed.  Maybe you will even get a glimpse of their face or feel that they are very unhappy with you.  This is a case of someone who isn't deliberately trying to injure you, but their negative thoughts have an effect on you anyway.
  The second example is much worse, because this psychic attack may come from someone or even a group who is well versed in metaphysical knowledge.  In other words, they may know how to put a curse on you, put the "root" on you, or send you some really bad energy.  This is definately something that is done deliberately.  Not everybody has the ability, knowledge, and most of all, the desire, to do this kind of thing.  Please keep in mind there is always a karmic price to pay for attacking another person psychically.  Just as you might pay a price for punching someone in the nose, you would also pay a price in the spiritual world for sending someone negative energy.  A traditional rule in the spiritual world says that the good you do comes back to you three times over, but the bad you do comes back three times three.  In other words, if you deliberately send someone negative energy, at some point it will come back to you nine times! 
   If you feel that you are under psychic attack, the first thing to do is really question why.  Do you have an enemy?  Is there truly  someone out there who hates you enough to wish you ill?  Many times people tell me that they think they have been cursed, but after discussing this, I do not believe it is the case.  It is very easy to feel cursed, or ill wished if everything is going wrong in your life.  You have to really examine your life  if this is happening to you.  Are you just going through a long string of bad luck like the car breaks down, then you didn't get the promotion you wanted, and  to top it off, your lover breaks up with you?  These are all terrible things, but are not usually  signs that someone is cursing you or sending you bad energy.  These things are just life, people.  It also may be time to check your attitude to see if you are thinking negatively, instead of  putting out positive energy.  We attract whatever energy we put out.  In other words, think negatively all the time, and you will attract negative stuff into your life.
  So how do you know if you are being psychically attacked?  My best description is that you "feel" it.  You may feel a sudden strong wave of depression, sadness, even sickness.  The key here is that there is no reason, no real reason at all that you are feeling this, that it is happening.  If you felt a big wave of depression, and this is not at all the norm for you, it could be that someone is sending you negative energy.  Trying to make you feel bad.  Before deciding someone is cursing you, look at what happened in your everyday life just before that.  Did you suddenly feel depressed because you ate a big slice of cake when you were planning on dieting all week?  It is usually that with me, LOL!  Or did you suddenly start feeling worried after hearing that another employee is likely to get the job you wanted?  Sometimes it can be difficult to pin down why we suddenly feel bad, but you should look at your own life before deciding someone is putting the "root" on you.
   Another thing to keep in mind is that it would be extremely rare that even the most knowledgable magickal practicioner could effect your life for years.  Curses and negative energy wear off over time.  It would take so much effort, energy, and time on the part of the person cursing you, that it would hardly be feasible.  If someone truly hates you enough to try and curse you for years, I'm sure you would know who that person is and why they would be pouring so much energy into the curse.
  The two best things you can do if you feel you are being psychically attacked is first, put up a strong psychic shield.  If bad energy can't get through your shield, it can't harm you.  The second, and most important, is refuse to accept the bad energy.  Literally say, and believe, "I refuse to accept this energy, and it will never harm me".  The refusal to believe in the curse and accept it into your energy is extremely important.  Do not let this energy into your life and simply turn it away.
  My next post will deal with ways to send back negative energy to whoever may be sending it to you.  Until then, blessings from Pskiksister.

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