Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Spiritual Balance

Good afternoon, everybody!  I hope you are having better weather than we are having in GA.  It has been storming here since the middle of the night.  There is a small pond near us that has several resident white ducks. I think they must be the only ones enjoying this weather!
  Today I am posting about balance in our lives.  This will be a three part blog dealing with different types of balance.  First, physical and emotional balance.  These are in the same category because if we are out of balance emotionally, we are often out of balance physically as well.  The next category is relationship balance, whether in a love relationship or other type of relationship.  The last category is spiritual balance, with our own soul.
  Balance is very important in our lives, for many reasons.  In our everyday world, we need a good balance between work and play, stress, and relaxation.  If we put too much emphasis on our careers, our home life and relationships may languish and wither.  Too much fun and little work however, can result in a non-existent bank account and a loss of ambition.  So how do we manage to find a balance between what we need to do and what we want to do?  Sometimes there is a struggle for years trying to find an answer to that question. 
  If you are out of balance emotionally, you will often develop physical problems as a direct result of that imbalance.  Much has been written about this subject, and medical science is slowly embracing the idea.  Emotional problems such as grief, heartache, and anger, if not dealt with and resolved, can lead to serious health issues.  As an example,  Jane had a relationship some years ago that ended very unhappily for her.  She stills loves the person who left her, and has been unable to move past this relationship.  Jane physically feels  pain from the relationship as pain in her chest.  Her heart hurts whenever she thinks about the man who left her.  Most of us have felt this type of heartbreak and yes, it does literally feel like a pain in the heart.  Jane, however, has actually developed some physical heart problems due to the continued and unresolved stress of her situation.  What has started  as a emotional pain in the heart, has now turned to a physical problem.
  Jane is clearly out of balance, both emotionally and physically. When I say, "out of balance" I do not mean that she is mentally disturbed.  This means that her physical and emotional energies are out of alignment. She has a great need to get back into balance, and resolve her issues.  I always see emotional problems that begin to effect us physically, as a small, dark seed inside us.  This seed, can be tiny at the beginning, but left to grow, can become a threatening plant.  When this seed of unhappiness in Jane began,  she was only dealing with emotional issues.  I know how difficult heartbreak can be, but Jane might have been able to move past it.  Now that the heartbreak has turned to a real physical pain, Jane has two major problems to solve.  She must consult a doctor for her physical problem, and possibly seek the advice of a therapist for her emotional issues.
  I would advise Jane to do some healing work, both for her emotional and physical problems.   A chakra cleansing might be a good place to start, along with a close look at why she has allowed this heartbreak to take over her life.  She must ask herself some serious questions now.  Is she afraid to let go of this past love for fear of being alone?  Or is Jane secretly blaming herself for the end of the relationship, and feeling unacknowledged guilt?
There could be many reasons Jane has not been able to move on, and until she can resolve those issues, she will remain out of balance.  I would love to believe that if Jane could resolve her emotional issues she could also heal physically.  That is true in some cases, but the longer we allow emotional problems to grow, the more chances there are that we will develop serious health issues.
  If you are feeling an out of balance both emotionally and physically, I suggest you look at the root of your problem first.  When did the problems start?  Then try some releasing and cleansing work to let your problems go.  I will give you a releasing visualization next time that may help.  Until then, blessings from Psykiksister.

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