Thursday, August 1, 2013

Spiritual Fears: What Monster Is Under Your Bed? Part 3

Good morning, everybody!  It's the first of August and I hope you are ready for some hot weather.  Dog days, here we come!
  Today I am posting about emotional fears.  If you remember from part one of this blog, emotional fears are fears of things that we can not see or touch, we can only feel.  These are fears that are in our mind and heart.  This does not make them any less real; in fact, it often makes them seem more real.  The imagination goes into effect here and thinks up all kinds of things to fear.  Sometimes emotional fears are based in reality and sometimes they are just our imagination at work. 
 As an example of a fear based in reality, let's say you are a young woman recently married to a race car driver.  You are madly in love with your husband, but terrified every time he drives in a race.  This fear is based in reality because racing can be a  dangerous profession.  As a first step in dealing with this fear, I would advise you to learn some ways to calm yourself during the race.  Breathing deeply several times during your moments of stress and fear can help greatly.  A fear relieving meditation or positive visualization before the race might also help.
  If you have fears that are not based on reality, don't worry, you're normal!
Fear of the unknown might be the biggest fear of all.  Our imagination can put some very powerful and negative images into our minds about the future. Most of these things will never happen, but when we are stressing over them in the middle of the night, they  seem all too likely.  Not only can these fears make us feel powerless and terrified, they send negative energy out into the universe.  By imagining negative things happening in our lives, sometimes we draw those things to us! 
  As an example of this, let's say Brian, a sales rep, has a secret fear that his wife will cheat on him.  He works long hours on his job and travels often.  Even though he has no real evidence or reason to think that his wife will cheat, he can not get over the idea.  Consequently, he checks her on-line journal often and calls her constantly when he is out of town.  His wife, though at first flattered by so much attention, has begun to feel stifled.  She is considering looking in a new direction, for someone more secure. As you see,   Brian's fear is bringing exactly what he is most afraid of into his life.
  If you are experiencing emotional fears, you may want to try a positive visualization.  Positive thinking about your situation may help still your fears and drive them away.  Here is a visualization you can try for positive thinking.
   During a quiet time, when you are alone, make yourself comfortable on the sofa or a chair.  Light incense and candles if they help you relax.  Take several deep breaths and allow your everyday worries to slip away.  When you are ready,  visualize a blackboard in your mind.  There is a piece of chalk beside the blackboard. Take the chalk and write about your fear on the blackboard.  Write as much or as little as you like.  A few words is fine.  Focus on what you have written.  Feel the fear if you must but realize that is it only fear, not reality.  Now,  look beside the blackboard again.  There is an eraser there, but not just any eraser.  This is an eraser made of light; a golden, glowing light.  Take the eraser in your hand.  It is warm, and touching it makes you feel strong, and alive.  You no longer feel afraid.  Take the eraser and erase the words you have written.  Focus on this and put great energy into it.  You are erasing your fear.  Now say these words, "I am not afraid.  I am strong and I will not let fear rule my mind."  Erase every single letter you have written and allow your fear to leave. 
 I hope you will feel better after this visualization.  Do it whenever you need to, whenever fears strikes your heart.  Until next time, blessings from Psykiksister.

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