Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hunting LiL Ghosties, Part 3

Good morning everybody!  It's a lovely day in GA again, almost time for me to take a long walk outside.  High pollen count or not, I'm doing it!
  Today I'm going to give you a few thoughts about what to do if you think you have a ghost in your house. Are you hearing those eerie bumps in the night or having doors slam for no reason?  Your house could be haunted, or it could be something as simple as the house settling.  The first thing I always consider about a possible haunting is if something normal or mundane could be causing it.  We have to use a little common sense here, people, before we jump on the haunted bandwagon.  Maybe those blinking lights in the kitchen are really being caused by an electrical short, or a bulb about to go. That rustling sound you hear under the porch at night might just be an animal trying to get out of the cold or heat.  Now if you live in the South, that rustling under the porch just might be your very own hound dogs trying to get cool!
  Some years ago, during one of my psychic development classes, we had a new member who swore she could see many ghosts coming into my house through a "portal" on the living room wall.  She said it was a portal to the underworld and I needed to do a clearing of the house immediately if not sooner.  I nearly laughed myself silly before I showed her that the "ghosts" she was seeing on the wall were really just the reflections of car lights through the window!  That was her one and only time at my class, by the way!
  So let's say you have throughly checked your house for any real reason for the noises and bumps you are hearing, and nothing turned up.  Maybe you do have a spirit or something similiar in your house.  The next thing I would do is pay particular attention to when you hear the sounds, or see "something funny",  and what was happening in your house when the sound started.  Was there a lot of emotion going on, screaming, yelling, etc.?  Spirits can be attracted to strong emotions. Alternately, if you have a strong gift of telekinesis(moving objects with your mind), even if you don't know it, things can start jumping around, falling, or breaking when you get upset.  Believe me, this happens to me often. For years I wondered why so many light bulbs in my house would blow out right after I bought them. Now I'm calmer and the bulbs last longer!
  If you are starting to get scared or nervous about things happening in your house, you might trying talking to the ghost.  If you are actually seeing an apparition, it would be really important to ask it what it wants.  It's easy to just freeze up when you see a ghost, even if you think there is one around you. Try taking a deep breath, then speak directly to the ghost.  You may hear an answer aloud, or in your head.  The spirits' methods of communicating aren't always the same as ours. Many times the ghost wants attention, or to tell their story.  They may feel they have unfinished business on this earth, and would like someone to help them.
  Other things you could do if you think your house is haunted: walk around your house and yard, sprinkling sea salt to help prevent the ghost from entering your premises.  At the same time, you should say something like:
"I forbid any negative spirits from entering my home", or something similiar.  If you are religious, add a little prayer to your God or Goddess for protection.
  If you don't want a spirit in your home or feel it has negative energy, do try simply telling it to leave.  You don't have to see the ghost for this to work, just say it aloud firmly and strongly whenever you sense its presense.  Ghosts have their own reasons for remaining attaching to the earth, and it may need help in being released.  You can tell it to go into the light, and be with his or her loved ones.  If nothing works, consider calling a paranormal investigation group to check it out for you.  Many groups will have someone they work with who can do a house clearing or blessing if necessary.  Just be careful who you work with.  I feel strongly this kind of investigation should be free, not cost a penny.  If the group asks for a few dollars for gas money, that's fine, if they ask for $200 for their "fee", it's not!  Listen to your common sense again here, please.  There are many good paranormal investigators out there, so look around or ask someone for a referral.
  Blessings to you all from Psykiksister!

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